Courtney Sanders: Rejecting the “Guru Track” (GPP61)


Courtney Sanders is a women’s empowerment coach, public speaker, and online influencer for ambitious millennial women with an uncanny ability to break down complex concepts and deliver them in a fresh and engaging way. As an influencer to millennial women, Courtney offers training on personal development, money mindset, and spirituality. She was featured in Forbes and Essence Magazine and in 2016, she was invited to the White House as the featured speaker for the Obama Administration’s Council on Women and Girls.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”“I got into what I call a ‘guru culture’ because that’s what I thought I had to do in order to be a successful entrepreneur.” – Courtney Sanders” quote=”“I got into what I call a ‘guru culture’ because that’s what I thought I had to do in order to be a successful entrepreneur.” – Courtney Sanders”]

This Week on the Get Paid Podcast:

  • How Courtney gets paid and her current offerings and services
  • How she came up with the three tiers of The More Than One Club community
  • How she jumped on the ‘guru track’ while building her business and why she eventually decided to reject that culture.
  • How Courtney leverages Instagram as a community builder and grew her following
  • How her childhood and early adulthood experiences urged her to find ways to secure her financial future and led her to become an entrepreneur
  • How Courtney and her husband set aside a full 3-months’ worth of savings to enable her to scratch her entrepreneurial itch
  • Why she reinvested the money she was making online
  • How her digital products and one-on-one coaching allowed her to be sophisticated with Facebook ads
  • How Courtney grew her mailing list – and increased her revenue – through Facebook ads
  • The varying price points she used to sell her 21 Day Self-Discipline Challenge and what her conversion rates were like
  • Why she believes she started attracting the wrong audience and the wrong type clients and
  • Why she began feeling that her finances were in better shape when she ran her business part-time and how she created systems to “tighten up” and be more responsible with her finances

Resource Mentioned:

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Now it’s time to GET PAID

Thanks for tuning into the Get Paid Podcast! If you enjoyed today’s episode, head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe, rate, and leave your honest review. Connect with me on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, visit my website for even more detailed strategies, and be sure to share your favorite episodes on social media.

Now, it’s time to go get yourself paid.