The 2 Simple Ads that Sell Out Your Group Programs
Value: $197. Yours FREE!
You're about to save HOURS of researching Facebook + Instagram ads.
"Are high-ticket programs dead?"
"Do Facebook ad funnels work for group programs?"
"Should I focus on lower-priced products?"
…very common yet misleading questions online marketers are asking right now.
The important questions:
✅ Do you have a highly effective, high-ticket program or online course that sells?
✅ Want to fill your program with paying clients without constantly worrying about organic marketing?
I’ll teach you the 2 simple ads you can run 365 days a year to double or triple your enrollment numbers (even if you have zero experience with ads).
In this on-demand Facebook + Instagram ads class, you'll discover:
Why these 2 ads work better than any complex multi-campaign, "waterfall" retargeting, or direct-to-purchase ads (because that trend is over.)
The real reason you've heard so many nightmare stories about Facebook and Instagram ads, and how to avoid such expensive lessons yourself.
One of the biggest mistakes people make when launching their ads and how avoiding this blunder can not only save $$, it will earn you more clients.
This is the class for you if…
- Ads feel more than frustrating and you’ve said things like “my brain turns off whenever I even think about setting up any ads!”
- With each new launch, you've seen sales drop OR you've had a few great (mostly organic) launches, but don't know if you'll be able to maintain the numbers.
- You’re pumping out podcast episodes and trying to post on social media, but you have no actual idea if or when the sales are coming from those efforts .
- You’re about ready to hand all the marketing efforts over to an agency, but that high investment without a guaranteed ROI is nerve wracking.
- Every marketing bro and guru screaming about what’s working and what’s not has you even more confused and wondering if ads are realistic at all without a huge budget.
- You really really really want a marketing strategy that can run quietly in the background and free up more time for other things in your business and life.
Whether you've tried ads before or you're a total newbie, this class will show you the 2 SIMPLE EVERGREEN Facebook/Instagram ads that set you up to sell out your group programs.
Who you’re learning from:
Hey! I’m Claire Pelletreau, known for the Get Paid Podcast and as the go-to-gal for all things Facebook and Instagram ads.
In a world of self-professed ad gurus and overcomplicated strategies, not to mention all the scare tactics people use to sell their own programs, I’m deeply committed to teaching you the info that can help you avoid any online marketing BS that wastes your time and squanders your money.
I’ve developed a simple process — and an entirely new way of thinking — that will get your FB & Instagram ads converting and actually moving the needle in your business.
Want to fill your programs with more ease and grow your revenue FASTER with an evergreen marketing strategy this year?
I'll show you how (without a huge budget and even if you’re brand new to ads).

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