Get the Goods

The 5 Ads you must have to sell more online courses and coaching. Whether you’re just getting started with ads or are looking to get more strategic, this FREE masterclass will teach you the surprisingly simple formula I use to create profitable ad sequences for clients, customers — and myself. Shortcut your ads success with this training now.

Save HOURS researching audiences. Finding and defining your perfect audience is one of the hardest things about Facebook ads. Instead of wasting hours trying to find the right “interests,” grab my spreadsheet of 240+ targeting options. Learn how to group them, copy/paste, and get your ads running today.

It all starts with compelling copy. One of the most important ingredients for successful opt-in ads is strong copy. (The buzz about images is B.S.) That’s why I put together this free template to help you learn how to write compelling copy that “sells” your free offer for you. Warning: your list is about to experience the Viagra effect – it’s gonna get BIG.

Breakthroughs + Discoveries

  • I Threw My Sales Plan Out The Window. Here’s What I Learned.

    Last week I threw out my entire plan to get people to buy from me, and it was the best thing I’ve done in the past 6 months or so. I’m now so clear about how to serve my audience, and I never would have figured that out if it weren’t for this failure-to-launch launch. Since I learned so much, I thought you might benefit from this “launch postmortem” (as…

Research + Resources

  • Facebook Ads for Beginners — Did someone say “Facebook ad tutorials”? We got ’em all in one place for you.
  • Get Paid Podcast — The only podcast on the Internet where guests get hit with questions like “So . . . how much did you pay yourself last year?”
  • How to Hire a Facebook Ads Consultant – Before you hand over your hard-earned money to someone to run your ads, watch this free training first.