Stephanie Taylor: Does An $800K Year Change You?(GPP149)

Stephanie Taylor is Co-Founder of HMO Heaven and Rent 2 Rent Success with her sister Nicky. At the age of 45, she founded HMO Heaven, a property management business, and has since attracted contracts worth £2m in 3 years. 

 Then Stephanie launched Rent 2 Rent Success to help professionals who feel stuck because they’d like to get started in property ethically but feel that they don’t have the enough time, enough money or the right knowledge to get started. 

On this episode of the Get Paid Podcast, Stephanie takes Claire on a wild tour (really!) of the world of property management, shares how her almost 7-figure year has changed her as a person, and walks us through the messiest launch in the history of this show (and how it changed her life). 

Important links: 

Rent 2 Rent Success website

HMO Heaven website

The Rent 2 Rent Success book  

Stephanie on Instagram

240+ Precise Interests You Can Use In Your Targeting

Today’s episode is brought to you by a Google spreadsheet. People tell me all the time that choosing Facebook and Instagram ad targeting makes them want to throw their computer out the window and I don’t blame them. There are a ton of options and that makes it easy for you to flush money down the Zuckerberg drain. So, I put together a big old list of what Facebook calls ‘Interests’ for you and a totally free spreadsheet separated out by niche. I also created a short PDF that explains how to go about using those interests so you don’t waste a ton of time putting together your audience. 

Take the guessing out of Facebook and Instagram ad targeting. 

Get my glorious spreadsheet and explainer PDF here

Now it’s time to GET PAID

Thanks for tuning into the Get Paid Podcast! If you enjoyed today’s episode, head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe, rate, and leave your honest review. Connect with me on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, visit my website for even more detailed strategies, and be sure to share your favorite episodes on social media.