I get HIGH off making broken campaigns work.
I’m not just doing “this Facebook ads thing” to build street cred for an evergreen course that’ll let me sip beer on a beach in Phuket. I’m here because I get off on taking tanking campaigns and getting them an insane ROI.
Your in-house ads person might be good. But what if they’re missing out on the advanced strategies that can take your business to the next level?
Rent-my-brain to get million-dollar strategies for a fraction of the price.
Some of the things we can tackle:
- What you can do to get cheaper conversions
- How much you should spend on your ads
- Why your ad isn’t converting
- Bulletproofing your ad strategy for your next launch
5 hours
Can be used over a 12 month period. Great when you have a launch and know you’ll need additional strategy.