Layne Booth

Layne Booth: Dashboards that Make You Money (GPP: 314)

Today, learn how Layne Booth built a $1M+ business teaching consultants to sell $5K+ dashboards. In this episode, Layne breaks down how she went from a corporate engineering job to running a 7-figure business.  Layne gets specific about the marketing, sales, and pricing strategies for selling a higher ticket offer with Facebook ads.   This Week on the Get Paid Podcast: Mentioned in this podcast: Now it’s time to GET PAID…

claire pelletreau on get paid podcast

How I Prepared My Business for Maternity Leave (GPP: 313)

Today I’m back on the podcast to reflect on my recent maternity leave, the challenges of balancing work and family, and really key lessons from the entire experience.  If you’re considering taking time away from your business, or want a future where you could realistically step back for even a few months, then this episode is for you.  This Week on the Get Paid Podcast: Mentioned in this podcast: Now…

kirsten roldan on get paid podcast

Kirsten Roldan: When to Fire a Good But Not Great Team Member (GPP: 312)

Today’s guest episode is from Kirsten Roldan’s podcast, Business Without Burnout.  Kirsten teaches unique email marketing, team, systems, and mindset strategies to help you reach peaceful 7-figure years in your business. In other words, you don’t have to burnout to get where you want to go.  Today’s topic is on knowing when and how to let go of team members who are good but not exactly great. You might be…

sarah lucille on get paid podcast

Sarah Lucille: 2 Ways to Actually Be Bolder in Your Messaging (GPP: 310)

Sarah Lucille, the Copy and Messaging Coach in GPM, is taking over the podcast today to discuss a really important topic right now: What does it take to actually be bold in your copy and messaging?  When writing and communicating, there’s a difference between trying to write boldly vs knowing how to bring out your inner power so you more easily convert new leads into happy buyers. It’s time to…

steph crowder on get paid podcast

Steph Crowder: 2025 Predictions (GPP: 309)

Steph Crowder takes over the podcast today with her business predictions for 2025. Steph has a decade of experience helping over a thousand online business owners and has seen it all.  She is direct and clear. This is the kind of short episode where you’ll want to take notes and catch every single point.  And, if you take her seriously and implement even just one point, you WILL avoid huge…