Absolute FB Ads

Your Blueprint For Attracting New Leads in Your Sleep

Reach over 1000 new potential clients, build trust without constantly creating new content, and grow your audience and podcast listenership all without a massive following or budget.

Get notified when enrollment is open!

    “After learning from Claire, for the first time in my life, I felt that I truly understood Facebook ads.”

     - Brooke Castillo, Founder of The Life Coach School

    Why Too Many Small Online Businesses Miss Out on the Amazing Potential of Facebook Ads

    So many entrepreneurs tell me they aren’t running Facebook and Instagram ads yet - let’s see if any of their resonate with you:

    • I've tried ads, but I’m not consistent enough with my offers to make it worthwhile
    • I don’t put out enough content or emails to justify growing my list right now
    • Podcast ads? The podcast is basically on the backburner
    • The Ads Manager might as well be in a foreign language 
    • Ad spend? In this economy??
    • Been burned by ads (and agencies) before, not looking to get burned again
    • I need to more than break even, or it's a no-go
    • Feels kinda sleazy, not sure my audience would like seeing ads from me 
    • Yeah, about that ad budget…sort of non-existent 

    Okay, got the checklist? How’d you fare? 

    Here’s the truth:

    Ads can feel like a maze to master solo. 

    And marketing bros have dominated the industry for too long, selling pretty shady tactics. 

    Plus, a lot of ad agencies have made things feel more complicated. With rising costs, it seems like you have to start with a massive budget and a considerable audience before the ads are even launched. 

    As someone who has been in the Facebook ad game from the beginning, let's unveil why these notions are utterly FALSE.

    They might actually be the green light you need.

    Because no huge budget is needed for the strategies I’m going to show you.

    What’s One New Client Worth to You?
    How about 1000+ New Potential Clients?

    Alright, let's dive deep into the thick of it. What exactly are you buying when you splash cash on ads?

    Spoiler alert: there are a lot of different ways to get results. 

    ​​I've had clients break-even or profit within a month or two of unleashing their ads. 

    Or even within a week, like Adam’s team here:

    Our mailing list went from 5700 to 7300, and those Advent coloring posters sold like crazy. I was expecting about 300 orders, and we sold out at 675, bringing in $63,000 in just one week.

     - Adam Walker Cleaveland, Illustrated Children’s Ministry

    I’ll definitely show you how to craft ads that sell your programs and products. We're talking setup, testing, and optimizing – to get those ads that perform like rockstars.

    Most importantly though – I'll show you the kind of ads built for long-term, sustainable growth - the kind that focus on lead generation.

    Ads are like a goldmine for high quality list building. 

    Ever wondered what 100 new potential clients could mean for your biz? Well, how about 1000? 

    I’m not talking about one-off sales; I’m all about cultivating leads that could fuel 5, 6, or even 7-figure launches.

    In just two months, Carly was able to far exceed what had previously taken her over 2 years to try and do organically: 

    Thanks to Claire, I was able to set up a couple of ads that have been really effective, all in a couple of days. In just 2 months I’ve grown my email list by 1400 people (when it took me 2.5 years to reach 300 subscribers before I took the course).

     -  Carly Banks, Owner of Nourished Living

    Your ads are your wingman, bringing in an audience that's just as excited about your message as you are. These folks are your repeat customers in the making.

    In the step-by-step process inside Absolute FB Ads, I’m going to show you how to put your lead gen on autopilot by knowing exactly: 

    • who to target
    • which ads to put to the test
    • what copy to wield
    • what visuals to make pop
    • and the secret sauce of turning cold leads to warm to piping hot

    That means finding your sweet spot with ads that can often run in the background, untouched like a well-oiled evergreen, lead-attracting machine in your business.

    Like this client who turned on her podcast ads that continue to run, unchanged, to this day. Why? Because they get constant results.

    That same ad, I have not touched it. It's been a year and it's very high. It's still performing really well. My podcast numbers year over year went up 500% - it was bananas...It's on in the background. I still have a pretty minimal spend. It's like 15 to 20 bucks a day, but I know that eventually those people are subscribing because they're staying and they're listening to other podcast episodes and I can see them join my email list because they're connected to lead magnets from the podcast.

     -  Laura Eigal, CEO of The Catch Group

    Your ads can and should offer your audience value

    But let's address the elephant in the room – the overwhelming noise of ads and emails. You've probably heard folks say they're afraid ads will make them look pushy or sleazy.

    All that desired authenticity falls flat if no one is seeing your content. 

    You can offer genuine value with your ads.  

    I’ll show you how.

    Confession time: I straight up HATE the idea of churning out endless reels, TikToks, and Instagram posts myself. 

    That's why I'm here to proclaim it boldly: 

    FB and IG Ads are the express route to put your offers in front of new eyes and offer your new + existing audience tons of value without spending all your precious time on social media or in Canva.

    With the right ads, you can cultivate trust, magnetize your audience, and connect the best fit clients to your amazing programs and products. 

    Plus, you’re learning list-building ads that could mean you're welcoming 50+ fresh faces into your world weekly – even daily. 

    Imagine the value you could offer these new leads if they only knew about your programs and products . . .

    Can you get there with organic strategies? Sure. If you’re up for that level of constant content creation. 

    But, here's a real-life tale straight from someone who followed Absolute FB Ads from start to finish and has more time in her day because of it:

    "I'm toying with the idea of ditching everything except these ads. Last month, my organic opt-ins hit 68. But from ads? A jaw-dropping 1400. Silly numbers, right?"

    -  Krista Miller, Virtual Summit Strategist and Creator of Summit in a Box

    So, consider this:

    What's the value of a single new client? 

    Now, magnify it by a thousand when you’re getting your offers in front of more people. That's the realm of possibility awaiting you in the ad journey – and I’m offering a step-by-step process to launch your ads no matter your experience or list size right now. 

    If you have at least $20 a day to spend for the next month, I have some accessible strategies to show you. 

    Get notified when enrollment is open!

      "Claire's course was really simple and step by step, and I got unbelievable results. For every pound that I spent, I made £3 back." 

      - Stephanie Taylor, Co-Founder of Rent 2 Rent Success

      So, What Are You Learning That You Don’t Already Know?

      Most people come to me when they’ve hit a wall with ads. 

      Either they’ve tried running things on their own, got burned by an agency, or are instantly terrified when they peek at the ad manager. 

      Ideally, you’re in a place where you’re ready to learn different but very doable ad strategies, you’ll take action, and you’re up for testing a few different variables (but not hundreds). 

      With everything I teach you, my ad coaches and I break it down into straightforward video and text lessons. No advanced tech experience required to get going. 

      Your Ad Mastery Journey, Start to Finish:

      • Decoding the Ads Manager and making things simple
      • Access to my campaign blueprints so you know your strategy from the start
      • Finding the best audiences for your business with laser-sharp targeting (and retargeting)
      • Crafting irresistible ad copy + creating dazzling visuals on the fly
      • Putting together value-packed video ads that take just a few minutes to set up
      • Getting into the numbers and mapping out your budget
      • Understanding your results so you know what to optimize
      • Turning ads into program and product sales

      …PLUS, you’ll have access to private group Q&A calls to get into your specific questions about all of the above.

      By the end, you’ll become the Ad Whisperer in your own business. 

      Everything I know, I’m unveiling to you. Because I don’t believe in gatekeeping or overcomplicating anything.

      Ads aren't as cryptic as those marketing 'bro wizards' want you to believe. You don't need some elusive secret sauce.

      You can launch profitable ads with this simple, step-by-step approach: 

      from strategy to testing (and 

      everything in between).

      That’s why Absolute FB Ads has become THE go-to ads course for online businesses of all sizes. I’ve made it my mission to give you a bullshit-free roadmap for creating effective ads that result in more eyeballs on your message and offers…

      Even if you’ve struggled to get results in the past or are working with a smaller budget (or feel so overwhelmed you don’t know where to begin).

      I’ve designed the experience so that you can set up your first or next ad campaign along with me.

      And, I’ll even save you some time and major headaches when it comes to troubleshooting any past or future ads. 

      You’ll know how to investigate exactly what might be going on PLUS you have access to the private Absolute Support Group on Facebook where my Ad Coaches are there to help you 5 days a week!

      On top of that, if you join now, you’ll be included in the monthly Q&A Calls where we can really get into what you’re setting up and how to make sure everything is good to go.

      Get notified when enrollment is open!

        It took me a couple of hours to put together my first campaign. Within 3 days, I was getting new subscribers for less than $1.75. It was kind of surreal to see all those notifications of people signing up for my list. It took me just two weeks to reach 100 subscribers, which felt like a lot because I started at just 16!

        I love the support we receive inside the members-only group — because it means if I run into a problem, I don’t have to go digging through Facebook’s help articles that aren’t actually helpful. I’ve got more time to focus on creating great content instead.

        Claire’s course has been a massive step towards more clarity: around what’s working, where to focus next, and what to improve versus what you’re nailing. Just do it!

        -Sarah Cottrell, FormerLawyer.com

        Who Is Absolute FB Ads For?

        Absolute FB Ads is a great place to be if:

        🚀 You're a small online business owner looking to get your offers in front of the right people without hustling to become the next social media influencer

        🚀 You've been intrigued by the ad game but are yet to dip your toes, fearing it's a labyrinth best chartered only by the “experts.” (I’ve had to come in and fix what many of those experts set up incorrectly….)

        🚀 Your past ad attempts felt like throwing darts in the dark, rarely hit the target, and you're ready for something that makes sense and brings in trackable results

        🚀 You're a podcaster and/or course creator who knows the potential of their message but lacks the roadmap to reach thousands

        🚀 Your budget isn't in the stratosphere, and you want to know how smart ads can level the playing field

        🚀 You've heard the ad buzz but crave a down-to-earth approach that steers clear of sleazy tactics

        🚀 You're an OBM or VA eager to harness the power of ads to help your clients succeed, even if you're new to the ad world

        Like Jessica here:

        "Frustrated. Confused. Pissed. Off. → All things I was feeling about Facebook ads before I took Claire’s course.

        Claire had been surfacing in my life for a few months through various shared acquaintances and recommendations from friends. After listening to some of Claire's podcasts and hearing more about her… I made the investment!

        Now Facebook ads have become much more manageable. As an Operations Manager, I need to know enough about FB ads to serve my clients and this step-by-step, how-to-do-this-shit-guide is my secret weapon!

        My goal was to know what the hell I was doing and understand the process so I could tell my clients what worked and what didn't. Any virtual assistant or OBM would benefit from the skills Claire teaches in Absolute FB Ads.

        TL;DR: Facebook ads are Mount Everest and Claire's course is my sherpa.

        -Jessica Gulley-Ward, Owner of Juggling Logistics

        We’ve got students who are succeeding with Facebook ads in all kinds of niches:

        • Life Coaching
        • Book Publishing
        • Christian Leadership
        • Health & Wellness
        • Career Coaching
        • Legal
        • Parenting
        • Digital Marketing
        • Business Coaching
        • Counselling & Psychotherapy
        • Photography & Videography
        • Business Operations
        • Hospitality
        • Teaching & Elementary School
        • Personal Organization
        • Bullet Journalling
        • Baby Sign Language
        • Travel

        This list is not exhaustive — rest assured that if people are finding your business online, you CAN reach them on Facebook or Instagram. It’ll take a little elbow grease, testing and experimenting to get there, but don’t worry…I’ve got the roadmap.

        Who are you learning from anyway?

        Hey! I’m Claire Pelletreau…

        And I’m weirdly passionate about Facebook and Instagram Ads for Everyday Businesses.

        In a world of self-professed ad gurus and overcomplicated strategies, I’m deathly allergic to all the online marketing BS that wastes your time and squanders your money.

        I'm talking about: 

        • The unrelenting pressure to always be present on social media if you want to grow your audience and reach new customers (did somebody say FOMO?)
        • Constantly being on the brink of burnout as the sole driver of results in your business (and doing all the intensive work yourself, all the damn time)
        • Pushing beyond the encouraging but glacially sloooooow organic growth you’ve fought so hard for (without having to travel to conferences or spend hours networking one-to-one)...

        Instead? I’m determined to help you turn Facebook and Instagram ads into a simple, effective and doable part of your strategy for growing your business…And most importantly — I want your ads to be ridiculously profitable, too.

        As for me, I had my first Facebook ads love affair back in 2011, when pretty much any picture of a cat would get wild results. Oh, those were the days...

        Because all of a sudden, Facebook became pay to play, seemingly overnight… and they didn’t exactly make it easy to join the game.

        It was stressful, confusing, and effin’ frustrating.

        It took me many, many hours (just ask my very patient husband) of research, several years of testing what worked for my clients, and a whole lotta trial and error to master the ever-changing Ads Manager and Facebook ecosystem.

        I’ve developed a simple process — and an entirely new way of thinking — that will get your FB & Instagram ads converting and actually moving the needle in your business.

        No smoke n’ mirrors or blackhat tactics.

        I’m not going to ask you to whip out your credit card to spend $15K on FB ads and cross your fingers it’ll turn into a sale…

        And I definitely don’t want you to gamble your time on one-hit-wonder strategies that might work for Internet figures with thousands of raving fans and money to burn — but not for everyday small businesses like you and me.

        I want you to know what I know and then see what you can do from there!

        That’s why I created this GPS-like course for all things FB and IG ads coupled with actual doable strategies for reaching your most ideal clients. 

        Plus, you’ll basically learn to become your own Sherlock Holmes of results by mastering my tried-and-true methods for unlocking the mysteries behind your ad performance and swiftly fixing any issues.

        No guesswork. More peace of mind. 

        … all taught by someone who actually knows what they’re talking about and has made it her life’s mission to burn down all the BS surrounding Facebook and Instagram ads (that’s me, by the way.)

        It’s the same process I’ve used to help your favorite online heavyweights nail their launches →

        $30,600 in revenue, a 711% ROI and over $26,000 in profit in Laura’s pocket.

        “I trust Claire. I love how straightforward she is, and there’s none of that B.S. you see with other Facebook Ad people.”

        -Laura Belgray, Founder of Talking Shrimp

        For every dollar Jasmine put into her ads, four more came back:

        “I literally searched for a Facebook ad consultant for months; I interviewed more than ten different people and agencies to work with. I was frustrated and tired, but knew that I needed someone great to run my ads.

        I actually found Claire while Googling “How do I find a Facebook ads manager” at 4 o’clock in the morning (and I've been in the game long enough to know that this isn’t something you just Google).

        The very first time we worked together, we got a 400% ROI from my investment! It’s a huge relief to know my money's in the most capable hands.”

        - Jasmine Star, Social Media Expert and Business Strategist

        … But you don’t need to be internet-famous or spend 56 hours a week inside the Ads Manager to make it happen.

        These Absolute FB Ads students made shit happen in a matter of days after they hit “enroll”...

        - Dr. Priyanka Venugopal, Owner of The Unstoppable Mom Brain

        You'll find zero unproven theories or fluffed-up video lessons. Everything I teach you I have personally done myself or have helped hundreds of other clients accomplish. 

        Trying to Constantly Maintain Presence on Social Media? Not Required 

        Even those who have built up envious amounts of material to share over the years confess to feeling trapped. 

        Caught in the cycle of perpetual online presence to stay relevant, connected, and top-of-mind for clients.

        If you're anything like me, being on social media constantly isn't your dream job. Crafting daily stories and reels? It’s enough to make me want to dust off the ol’ resume and reconsider a behind the scenes gig. 

        Because if you have to be an influencer to make waves online, I don’t want it.

        Sure, it's an option. These ads can amplify your visibility and audience.

        But even the big shots appreciate unplugging while ads drive traffic to their lists.

        Facebook Ads CAN be a simpler, profitable part of your online business growth (without a social media platform you can't keep up with).

        I won't promise jets or Porsches…

        But I know with the right direction and a clear plan, you can use Facebook's power to get your work to those who need it and turn them into buyers.

        Consistently, and reliably.

        Ready to ditch failing tactics? Ready to grow with a no-BS, money-making Facebook ad approach? 

        I'm here to show you how.

        Get notified when enrollment is open!

          "I've tried some FB ads courses in the past - what a waste of money... they were vague and I was SO FREAKIN' BORED!"

          Claire's content is more in-depth, to the point, and practical. Yes! Finally - what I was looking for!

          You can only YouTube a solution to your questions so many times. After a while, you just want a hand to guide you - and that's what Claire's course and FB group has done for me. If you're serious about this - skip googling the answers and make the investment into yourself.

          - Gigi Rogers, The Ambassador of Buzz at Puck'n Khaos

          HOW IT'S GOING:


          New Subscribers: 2,318

          On Demand Product Sales: $2,634

           1 new client for $6K

          Ad spend: $1,297.45

          Revenue Direct From Ads: $8,634

          Absolute FB Ads in a Nutshell:

          If you want to figure out how to leverage paid traffic for your business…

          You’re fed up with lackluster results bringing in new leads every month…

          And you’re beyond bewildered by the countless ad options (or even just the ad manager itself) 

          Plus you want to free up some time for yourself and unplug a whole lot more…

          Absolute FB Ads is the most comprehensive way to learn and leverage Facebook and Instagram ads to build your email list with a lot more potential customers ... without constantly being online.

          No fluff. No gatekeeping strategies. No gross tactics that’ll make you want to take a shower. 

          Plus no huge social media following or marketing budget needed.

          I’ve been in the ad game for more than 10 years and have put all my know-how together in one place, in a format you (or your team) can follow.

          If you want to get more leads, grow your email list, and maybe incidentally grow your following…I’m going to teach you the simple strategies and the tech to make it happen now. 

          “When I first started with Facebook ads, it was hit or miss… Now our ads are working like Gangbusters.

          “Sometimes, it worked! But sometimes, Facebook would have changed everything and ads that worked before weren’t getting the same results. That’s where Claire’s Absolute FB Ads swooped in to save the day!

          Our ads are now working like GANGBUSTERS. We are adding new leads to our business at less than $1.50 per opt-in and even more exciting we are getting a 4x ROI!

          No longer was I crossing my fingers, hoping that I wasn’t throwing away thousands of dollars. With the strategies Claire has shared, our Facebook Ads have gone from a money pit to a money machine generating an extra $2K per week!"

          – Racheal Cook, Founder of The CEO Collective

          And Here’s How it Works…

          The modules in Absolute FB Ads follow the exact process you'll use to strategize, create, test, and optimize your ads.


          Your days of throwing spaghetti at the Facebook (or Instagram) wall are OVER, hermano. It’s time to develop a new way of thinking about your ads: one that is strategic, data-driven, and based on what actually works.

          🕒 Average time to complete and implement: as long as it takes to finish your Americano

          STEP 2: SET UP YOUR TECH

          I’ve seen too many people suffer because they rushed through setting up the pixel and tracking for their ads… or didn’t know how to do it properly!

          Let’s do this once and do it right. (I promise I’m here to make it feel ridiculously easy.)

          🕒 Average time to complete and implement: less than 60 minutes


          Think your audience isn’t on Facebook or Instagram? With over 2 BILLION monthly active users, think again (unless you’re targeting Tibetan monks on a digital detox, of course). With some smart targeting strategies and a little elbow grease, we’ll find your perfect audience and get your offers in front of them!

          🕒 Average time to complete and implement: about an hour to uncover some initial audiences to test if you’re getting started… and from there, you’ll be able to set up your ads and audiences in minutes.


          Now that you know who you want your ads to be seen by, it’s time to make sure they don’t scroll right past your ads and click on the nearest cat video instead.

          The secret? It’s time to learn how to write engaging copy, design attention-grabbing images, and create curiosity-inducing videos… without having to hire expensive copywriters or designers before you’re ready. 

          🕒 Average time to complete and implement: An hour or two to learn the shortcuts… and about 60 minutes to create everything you need for your next campaign!


          If we haven’t met before: Hi, I’m Claire, and I LOVE talking about money. At the end of the day, we’re running Facebook ads to help you get paid.

          🕒 Average time to complete and implement: less than 30 minutes


          Does the idea of getting into the Ads Manager and launching your ads give you a stress headache? Have no fear. I’ll show you how to bend the Ads Manager to your will and get your ads into your ideal customers' news feeds at lightning speed.

          🕒 Average time to complete and implement: about an hour


          This is where your money is made, my friend. I’ll make sure you know exactly which numbers to look at and in what order, plus how to scale or troubleshoot your ads depending on your results.

          🕒 Average time to complete and implement: just under an hour!

          “Clear, step-by-step… and totally doable”

          “Facebook ads can be daunting and there is a lot of confusing information out there on what works and what doesn't.

          Claire explains Facebook ads in a clear, step-by-step way that makes advertising on Facebook feel less overwhelming and totally doable."

           - Kathleen Shannon, Being Boss & Braid Creative

          “No-BS approach… broken down into easy to follow steps”

          “I was one of the first people to buy Absolute FB Ads and it was one of the best business moves I made! Not only did the class give me a Masters Degree in FB ads, it bolted on a highly valued service to my agency that continues today.

          I had bought other ad courses in the past, but always felt like I wasted my money when the course was never updated to address the constant changes they make to Facebook.

          Claire has that no-BS approach that I love and she really breaks everything down in easy to follow steps. I love Absolute FB ads and owe much of my success to Claire!”

          - Angela Pointon, Chief Marketer at Hand Select Your Clients & President of 11outof11 Marketing Agency

          Simplifying Implementation…

          You’ll get charts, worksheets, calculators & quickie video tutorials to get you into action sooner. 

          This course isn’t just about learning theory. Yes, I get into the WHY. But, I want you to be able to apply everything you learn directly to your business, right away.

          These worksheets will help you work through the process of honing in on your ideal Facebook Ad strategy, ensuring it’s profitable, and then bringing it to life with minimal fuss.

          And for all you technophobes, I’ll essentially hold your virtual hand through the more technical and confusing aspects of Facebook ads. 

          For example, I’ll show you exactly how to use the Ad Manager to quickly scale your campaigns, the best ways to create stunning images on Canva, and how to create and save your audiences ahead of time, sparing you one of the most hair-splitting headaches Facebook could ever produce.

          “In-depth and comprehensive, but quite easy-going”

          I had done some Facebook ads before enrolling in Claire’s course, and I always felt that I was missing something. There just seemed to be so many options and I wasn’t sure what the right type of ad for my situation was.

          Absolute FB Ads really cuts down what works and what doesn’t without overly simplifying things. It’s in-depth and comprehensive, but also quite easy-going.

          It isn’t boring either, which it could have easily been. I went through the entire course materials once and then picked off it in small chunks as I was creating the ads.

           - Rob Young, Dominate Web Media

          The lessons blend text, screenshots, and super-quick, action-oriented videos.

          I’ve chosen this format for a reason:

          I want you to be able to quickly work through the course content and take action, instead of getting lost in a 47-minute video tutorial to find which button you need to press or report to look at.

          Most students breeze through the course in a couple of afternoons… and have their campaigns up and running in a matter of days (or even hours).

          After that? You’ll be able to refer back to the course anytime you need to understand your results, troubleshoot what’s not working, and fine-tune your ads to get ‘em working for you.


          Monthly Group Q&A Calls

          Ongoing support is sadly an afterthought in so many Facebook ad courses… and that means you’re totally on your own if you get stuck or need help with a specific question while Facebook is spending your money.

          I host a monthly Q&A call for our clients so that you have a place to discuss new updates and challenges you’re facing directly with me.

          Because I run all the ads in my own business, and work hands on with a number of clients’ campaigns, I’m forced to stay on top of changes to both the interface and Facebook’s algorithm. 

          As you develop your skills, you’ll invariably venture into the land of more complex advertising tactics. You’ll have questions, and I've made sure you have a place to talk them out with me and the experts on my team.

          Lifetime Access to the Absolute Support Group

          The Absolute Support Group is a private group on Facebook EXCLUSIVELY for Absolute FB Ads customers. My team will be there to help answer questions, level up your strategy, and hold your hand through any changes to Facebook’s ever-evolving interface!

          I think of this as the kind of support Facebook SHOULD have, but doesn’t.

          This community is ONLY about Facebook ads. This isn’t a place to promote your blog or round up new clients. We like keeping the group FOCUSED so it doesn’t become overwhelming or cluttered with anything unnecessary. Just great information about how to fix Facebook ad problems and achieve greater levels of success.

          Total value of the support you’ll receive as part of this course? At least $5000 over your first 12 months. And since you get LIFETIME access, your ROI on the ongoing support will keep going up and up!

          “Claire's course is hands down the best out there."

          "Claire's course is hands down the best out there. She delivers everything she says she will, and more.

          I consider my knowledge of Facebook ads to be advanced, and even then I learned several new and valuable strategies and tools. I highly recommend purchasing Claire's Absolute FB ads course. I've never been so happy to spend my money!"

          - Vanessa Errecarte, Erreco Strategies

          Ready to FINALLY run Facebook or Instagram ads that WORK?

          Join Absolute FB Ads and get instant access to:

          • Launch your ad in a day with the One Day FB Ad Blueprint course (plus the BONUS live recording)
          • Lifetime access to the complete Absolute FB Ads Course – your step-by-step guide for launching list-building, audience-growing, and course-selling ad campaigns (including future updates!)
          • Essential worksheets, calculators, and trackers for seamless implementation
          • Access to past group Q&A calls so you can learn from what others have tested and tried in their own business 
          • BONUS: Lifetime access to the feedback and support from my ads coach inside the Absolute FB Ads members-only Facebook group 
          • BONUS: Private monthly Q&A Calls with yours truly! 

          TOTAL VALUE: $10,900

          Get notified when enrollment is open!

            "There is so much information on Facebook advertising it's overwhelming. After going through Absolute FB ads, I knew I had found the last resource that I would ever need!

            "It's been a tremendous relief to have one central place, and one person to look to for advice, tips, and information on running successful ad campaigns.

            Thanks to Claire and her course, I just finished my first $10k course launch, powered in part by FB retargeting ads! "

             - John Sowash, Creator of The Chromebook Classroom

            “I understand the methodology behind ads now… we made $13,000 and added 2300 new subscribers.”

            Before I joined Absolute FB Ads, we didn’t run many ads (and when we did, I was usually losing money). I quickly realized that I couldn’t figure this out on my own.

            When I joined the program, I was worried that the information would be over my head and I still wouldn’t have a clue about what to do… I shouldn’t have worried!

            Today, we have spent less than $5,000 and grossed $13,000 from sales directly from the ad over a 45 day period. We have also gained approximately 2,300 email subscribers.

            If you’re thinking about enrolling, stop pulling your hair out with FB ads and learn from someone who lives and breathes Facebook. I understand the methodology behind ads now instead of slapping them up and hoping for the best.”

            - Kalyn Brooke, KB Creative Media, LLC

            Facebook ads aren’t so scary… especially with

            The Absolute FB Ads 30-day risk-free guarantee:

            Let’s keep it simple:

            You’re ready to get REAL results with Facebook ads in your business…

            And you’re ready to do the work to make it happen.

            As for me? Well, I’m here to make it as easy as humanly possible for you.

            That’s why your purchase of Absolute FB Ads is protected by our 100% risk-free guarantee.

            Take 30 days to work your way through the program and implement the step-by-step plan for growing your business with Facebook ads.

            If you do the work and aren’t happy with your purchase at the end of those 30 days, I will refund your investment.

            You can review our full refund policy and requirements here.

            If you’re still hesitating, this double-whammy question might be the reason why… 

            “Do Facebook ads even work anymore…

            and can they truly work for ME & my specific audience?”

            Wholeheartedly: YES.

            First, the online marketing landscape is always changing (and I’m here to help you stay ahead of the curve) but Facebook ad campaigns are still a seriously effective tool for coaches and course creators who want to grow their business online

            I’d be out of a job if they weren’t… and you can read dozens of success stories on this page!

            What you really need is someone to help you make sense of what’s working, what’s not, and help you test your way toward a strategy that makes sense for you.

            And if you’re worried that your ideal customers just aren’t on Facebook? Let me say this:

            If you have an online course or digital product, your audience is waiting to be found on Facebook or Instagram (yes, really).

            The problem is that most people go about targeting their audience with the wrong strategy (or none!) and give up too early… or they go after them with an offer that nobody wants (in the course, I show you how to avoid both).

            Tonya found her audience on FB for the first time ever:

            “I was convinced my audience wasn’t on Facebook and I was going to be “that person” who could never grow my list.”

            “My previous ads were a grand-scale failure… I just couldn’t seem to nail my audience and I was convinced that they weren’t on Facebook.

            Just before I had written off FB ads for good, I encountered Claire. She helped me see the importance of prioritizing and helped me take a hard look at whether I really wanted my life to look the same way six months from now.

            After taking Absolute FB Ads, I’ve seen a huge reduction in my lead costs. I was able to get it down to $3.45 per lead on my own thanks to the course, and with Claire’s feedback, I’m down to just $1.45 per lead. I’m getting 14-16 new emails each day which feels huge compared to how I was doing before I enrolled.

            Before, I believed that the only way I could meet new clients was at conferences or in-person - but now I’m building a real network through Facebook ads. I’m able to manage my costs and  turn them off and on from home whenever I need to, instead of travelling to conferences with 10,000 other people.

            The course content is really good regardless of where you’re at — and because it’s text and screenshot-based, I was able to work through it quite quickly. But the true value is in having access to Claire and her team for feedback.

            She’s really there for you, and she has this demeanor of, “Well, let’s figure it out and see what’s going on.” She’ll tell you what she thinks the problem is, what you can try to fix it, and to come back and let her know how it’s going.

            You can figure this out yourself, but it’s going to take a lot of time and troubleshooting. If you just want someone to guide you through it instead, Claire is the obvious choice.

             - Tonya Kubo, Communications Consultant and Strategist

            Still not sure if Absolute FB Ads is right for your specific business & audience?

            Just reach out! Email us at hey@clairepells.com and we’ll let you know whether this is the right investment for you.

            "I've had the chance to work with Claire, and her only fault is that she over-delivers and doesn't charge enough for her courses!

            Absolute FB Ads is really helpful for beginners — and it gives more details for those who are more advanced.”

             - Tony Rulli, Founder of Intentional Spark

            Absolute FB Ads isn’t for everyone… and there are some people who SHOULD NOT buy this course.

            Please DON’T invest in Absolute FB Ads if you can’t get on board with these must-have mindsets:

            You gotta do the work!

            While I’ll make it as easy + straightforward for you as possible, if you can’t put aside a couple of afternoons to work through the content and put it into practice, this course (and Facebook ads as a whole) are NOT for you.

            Likewise, if you haven’t put the time into the foundation of your business, or aren’t willing to put the work into your offerings and testing what works, Facebook ads aren’t going to make your business explode.

            Facebook ads can’t turn a “flop” offer into a winner.

            As I always say… Facebook ads are like Viagra and not a silver bullet.

            Here’s what I mean: if someone’s bad in bed, Viagra’s not really going to do much for their sex life. (Sorry!) BUT if you have great content and offerings that people are already engaging with, then Facebook ads can be the little blue pill you need to hit it home.

            And if you’re not quite sure whether your offering is the right fit for your audience? The strategies inside Absolute FB ads can help you figure that out faster and identify where people are falling through the cracks.

            If you’re willing to invest some money in ads (instead of years struggling) to test out whether your audience and your offers are a match, then this course is the best place to make it happen (without the morning-after regret).

            Don’t expect every campaign to be a home run:

            I can’t guarantee that all of your campaigns are going to be a hit right away (and I’d run the other way from anyone who tells you they can).

            What I CAN guarantee is that if you follow the instructions in the course, you’ll finally be able to understand why your ads are working or not — and that puts you in the best possible position to PROFIT from your Facebook ads.

            My team will be there to support you each step of the way.

            Still with me? Absolute FB Ads was made for you if you see yourself in ANY of the following…

            • You've got some exciting new offers in the works, but you know that you need to grow an audience of engaged subscribers before you launch.

            • You want to make sure your email list is full of people most likely to buy your future offers, and you're ready to use Facebook to find them.

            • You’ve got an existing course or product that sells pretty well organically, and now you’re ready to get it in front of more people and generate sales with greater consistency.

            • You’ve worked really hard to market your business through high-touch methods like outreach, networking, guest posting and more. You don’t have all day to spend on Facebook and you want a simple, low-maintenance system for reaching your ideal audience every day.

            • You plan to launch your course or digital product in the next 6-9 months.

            • You’re working on an evergreen sales funnel, or plan to in the future.

            • You’d eventually LOVE to hire someone to run your ads for you one day. (Having an understanding of how Facebook ads do and DON’T work is so important when you’re outsourcing this piece to someone who may or may not get you the results you’re hoping for.)

            Pull up a chair and let me pour you some FAQs…

            ⁉️ But I’ve already tried Facebook ads and they were a flop!

            There is a whole boatload of common mistakes that probably contributed to this ‘flop’. But after one go-round with Absolute FB Ads, you’ll identify exactly what the problems were AND how to fix them. YOU weren’t the flop, you just need to tweak your strategy.

            ⁉️ Can’t I just hire someone to do it for me?

            Sure! But I don’t recommend it. Now, as a Facebook ad consultant, why would I say that? Because it’s not in your best interest! (Or your wallet’s.) Don’t hire me – learn to create your own campaigns with the help of Absolute FB Ads, and eventually hand it off to your super capable team. Trust me – this is the best use of your hard-earned money.

            ⁉️ Is your course up-to-date? Will it STAY up-to-date?

            This is one of the main reasons I’ve raised the price so significantly: I’ve been updating this course since I launched it in 2014, and I’ve recently completed a total overhaul of the program to reflect what’s working now.

            You know how lots of entrepreneurs start with one topic and eventually transform into generic business coaches? I can’t predict the future or anything, but Facebook ads give me plenty of new material to work with year after year. In other words? You can count on me to keep updating the course for a good while.

            ⁉️ Will Absolute FB Ads help me sell physical products?

            It probably would, but please don’t buy Absolute FB Ads if you have an e-commerce business. Check out this course instead. (I haven’t taken it personally, but I’ve heard great things.)

            ⁉️ Can you guarantee I’ll get good results from Facebook ads?

            I wish I could! The truth is that not every campaign kicks ass, not even my own. BUT I will give you the tools to look at your reports and adjust your campaign so the next time your numbers will improve. There’s some trial and error to this, but I can guarantee your numbers will get better!

            ⁉️ Are you available to answer my questions? I only want to talk to the course creator, not someone on their team.

            While I do pop into the Facebook group from time to time, the vast majority of questions are fielded by Laura, one of my ad coaches. And you'll be lucky to get advice from her - she's responsible for lots of million dollar launches and has her hands in client campaigns every single day!

            ⁉️ What if I’m not happy with my purchase?

            Your investment in Absolute FB Ads is protected by our 100% risk-free guarantee. Take 30  days to work your way through the program and implement the step-by-step plan to get up and running with your ads.

            If you do the work and aren’t happy with your purchase at the end of those 30  days, I will refund 97% of your enrollment price (we are charged for the credit card or PayPal processing fee, so we don't refund that amount).

            Please keep in mind, you will not be eligible for a refund if you’re just window-shopping or not totally sure if you want to run Facebook ads. This course is for people who are committed and willing to do the work. If that’s you, we can’t wait to support you inside Absolute FB Ads!

            Review our full refund policy here.

            ⁉️ This isn't my first time at the Ads Rodeo. Should I still join?

            Nope! We work with more experienced advertisers inside Get Paid Marketing. Click here for more details.

            ⁉️ I sell digital products at a lower price point – can I even afford Facebook ads?

            Maybe - it depends a lot on your audience. We recommend you invest in Absolute FB Ads if you sell something for at least $1,000. You can still sell lower priced digital products with ads, but higher prices will help you be profitable in the long run.

            Ready for the last and ONLY course you’ll ever need to make FB + IG ads work for your business?

            I’ll show you how to get your strategic ad campaign up and running in record time and interpret your results with ease — so you can get more eyes on your business and more sales for your offers.

            No more screwing around and absolutely ZERO BS.

            Get notified when enrollment is open!

              "Before I worked with Claire I was overwhelmed and a bit confused about Facebook Ads.”

              “Claire kicked my butt to get my lead magnet, landing pages & ad images ready; I had been procrastinating on doing it all for a couple of months! Claire taught me how to write ad & landing page copy that really resonates with the audience, rather than just being about me, me, me.

              I am now confident to really delve into the reports and know that I’m looking at the correct metrics. I’m confident in my ability to put together great ads and measure the results; like a FB Ads Badass!

              Claire is really down to earth and explains everything in a friendly, easy-to-understand way. And she REALLY knows her stuff!"

               - Angela Ponsford, Tier 11

              "A 300% ROI on my ads”

              “I worked with Claire on Facebook ads for a number of my big launches. She helped me figure out when to invest more in ads to grow my reach and when to put on the brakes.

              In the last launch, not only did we have tremendous lead gen, but earned a 300% ROI on my ads!"

               - Erin Stutland, Shrink Session

              "There are a lot of people online who offer business help of some sort or another, but few are as thorough as Claire.

              She doesn’t phone anything in. She understands the pragmatic outcomes that someone wants from working with her–they want to learn how to utilize Facebook ads and make money with them–and she keeps that bottom line in mind.

              She’s efficient, offers excellent feedback, and over-delivers.

              I absolutely feel that this has been worth the investment."

               - Kate Courageous, Your Courageous Life

              Facebook Ads CAN be a simple, stress-free and profitable part of your plan to grow your online business.

              I’m not about to promise you a private jet or a garage full of Porsches….

              But I do know that with the right guidance and a straightforward plan for getting shit done, you can leverage the power of Facebook to get your work in front of the people who need it and turn them into paying customers.

              Consistently, and reliably.

              So if you’re ready to stop screwing around with marketing tactics that don’t work and grow your business with a zero-BS approach to making money with Facebook ads, it would be my absolute honor to show you exactly how to make it happen.

              Either you’ve scrolled right to the end to see how far this thing goes…

              Or you’re still around because you’re not quite sure that this course is right for you, if now is the right time, or if I’m the right person to guide you.

              I hear ya.

              The online course market has gone bananas lately… and that means there are lots of people creating sub-par courses that teach nothing new (only to conveniently disappear in a puff of smoke when you reach out to them for help).

              I know you want to create a better experience for your own students. And I want nothing more than a mind-blowingly good experience for YOU.

              Know that I stand behind everything I’ve promised on this page with a 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

              So If you buy the course, do the work, and decide I’m full of crap? I’ll refund your payment in full.

              But we’ve got something even bigger to talk about before you decide whether to come or go…

              And that’s the opportunities you’re missing out on every single day that you avoid making Facebook ads a legitimate part of your plan to grow your business.

              I’m not saying that the world is about to come crashing down if you don’t join today — it won’t, and please don’t enroll if you’re down to your last few dollars and need someone to save your business. (I’m wicked smart, but I’m not superwoman.)

              … I’m talking about all those times you’ve had to rush through bedtime duty like a hurricane — because you’ve got to get back to the loooong list of things you need to do to keep your business alive. (Note: it’s a scientific fact that when you’re in a hurry, your kids will sense your fear and stall like crazy.)

              … Or the countless nights you’ve spent away from your family (or your fav show on Netflix) because you’re glued to your computer looking for answers… or schmoozing it up at networking events with people who will never turn into paying customers.

              … Not to mention the way your social media notifications have you conditioned to pick up your phone like Pavlov’s dog when you’re supposed to be chilling out, focusing on important work, or being present with your favorite people.

              Can we talk about how much this sucks?

              I don’t just want you to have a thriving online business. I want you to like your life as well. You deserve to be present for the moments and people that matter most to you.

              So let’s get you up and running with a

              low-maintenance system that doesn’t just provide you with additional income… 

              But extra time to spend where it matters, too:

              “Facebook ads allowed me to fund my maternity leave and be with my family… it’s been life-changing.”

              “Using the strategies Claire teaches, I set up retargeting ads that generated over $10,000 in sales in just 8 weeks, from just $500 in ad spend. That revenue took the pressure off having to go back to work too early after my c-section.

              It’s been life-changing, to have a tool that can provide me with that kind of freedom. Even now, my life is pretty chaotic. We had a vacation and then everyone got sick… and when I look back, my revenue did not drop because I had my Facebook ads up and running.

              I used to be afraid of Facebook ads, but now I feel that they give me control over my business. With organic traffic from Google and social media, you never really know the details behind your specific results. But Facebook gives you so much data about what’s working - and Claire shows you how to use that data to make better decisions and get more from your ads.

              Better yet, Claire tests the strategies she recommends with her own clients. She isn’t just teaching it. She’s doing it herself.

              If you follow what Claire tells you to do, stick with it, do the work and stay committed... this course can change the face of your business.”

              - Monica Froese, Founder of Redefining Mom

              So let’s keep it real: this course isn’t going anywhere (although the discount IS increasing soon)...

              But the opportunity to expand your income streams with Facebook ads is here today — and it’s up to you to decide if you’re finally ready to grow your business in a more strategic, sustainable, and time-effective way.

              (And come on now — you wouldn’t have read this far if you weren’t.)

              Ready to make some serious power-moves towards your first profitable Facebook & Instagram ad campaign, a thriving email list, and get your offers in front of your ideal audience on autopilot...

              All in the next couple of days?

              I’ve got your back. Let’s do this thing.

              Get notified when enrollment is open!

                "My clients love learning from her. You will too.”

                “Claire is a 1-2 punch of Facebook advertising expertise. She’s not just interested in the cool features and massively valuable tactics you can employ with your Facebook ads...

                She’s also strategic, which means she helps you think about how your ads fit into the bigger picture and contribute to the overall success of your business. My clients love learning from her.  You will too.”

                 - Tara McMullin, Author of What Works

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