Your copy of the Beginner's Guide to Instagram Ads is heading over to your inbox right now. 

Want to get your list building ad running WITHOUT the slightest bit of overwhelm?

Get my beginner's ad course for just $197 today only - that's 49% off!

Grow Your Audience Night and Day with Just ONE Simple Ad

What can happen when you launch to your new HUGE audience:

$30,600 in revenue, a 711% ROI and over $26,000 in profit in Laura’s pocket.

“I trust Claire. I love how straightforward she is, and there’s none of that B.S. you see with other Facebook Ad people.”

-Laura Belgray, Founder of Talking Shrimp

For every dollar Jasmine put into her ads, four more came back:

“I literally searched for a Facebook ad consultant for months; I interviewed more than ten different people and agencies to work with. I was frustrated and tired, but knew that I needed someone great to run my ads.

I actually found Claire while Googling “How do I find a Facebook ads manager” at 4 o’clock in the morning (and I've been in the game long enough to know that this isn’t something you just Google).

The very first time we worked together, we got a 400% ROI from my investment! It’s a huge relief to know my money's in the most capable hands.”

- Jasmine Star, Social Media Expert and Business Strategist

You’ve spent the last year or two hustling like crazy to seriously grow your business. And boy, has it paid off! You’re making good money, have raving fans who can’t stop singing your praises, and you’ve got plans. BIG plans. 

You’re ready to drive a TON of new traffic to your site. 

Hit record numbers with your email list.

Make more MONEY and get RECOGNITION for the incredible work you put out into the world.

But you're tired. You can't get off the hamster wheel of content creation. Or you're so busy with a million other things that your marketing stays on the back burner.

Here's the thing: if you want to sell more, more people need to know that your business exists. They need to know that you can help them.

So let's grow your audience and subscriber base with one simple ad, shall we?

Maybe you've messed around with Facebook ads in the past . . . and feel like you wasted your money. Or maybe you've hit the "Boost Post" button more times than you can count, and have no idea whether or not it "worked."

But just because you don't know HOW to effectively advertise doesn't mean you have to stick to time-consuming tactics like constantly posting on Instagram or networking in Facebook groups.

The great news is that putting together a simple ad that shows exactly how you and your business serve people is actually easy . . . so long as you have CLEAR instructions + a strategy that won't change every six months. 

And this is exactly why I created this no fluff, no B.S. 

mini-course for for online business owners: 

"Your One Day FB Ad Blueprint"

(Instagram ads are covered too, since they're done in the same platform!)

In just 2 hours, you'll learn to run the most powerful Facebook + Instagram ad for online business owners:

An ad that nets you new subscribers to your email list from some kind of lead magnet or freebie that you already have in place. Perfect for coaches, course creators, consultants or anyone who sells using emails. 

"I’ve done a few FB ads trainings before, but they all left me feeling stuck, confused and overwhelmed.

I needed someone to hold my hand and walk me through the process, so I signed up for Claire’s One Day FB Ad Blueprint mini-course.

After going through the training, I finally understand what really matters and I feel empowered to actually set up my first ad myself!"

Katie Peacock, Copywriter

The Specifics We'll Cover:

  • "Optimizing" for the right objective - this is what most people get dead wrong when using the Boost Post or Promote Post buttons.

  • Finding and creating interest and/or location-based target audiences. No need to have an existing email list or a big following to get in front of the right people! 

  • The most important piece of your ad copy, and what to avoid writing so that your ads don't get rejected. 

  • Choosing the right image that'll grab attention AND support the "heavy lifting" of your ad text.

  • Figuring out how much money to spend each day to maximize results (yes, this matters a lot). 

  • The ins and outs of the Ads Manager so you can get your ad running. I'll walk you through the entire process in real, plain English, and make sure you're aware of the most common places people slip up!

  • Conversion tracking setup so that you can see which ads are getting the most clicks and netting you the cheapest newsletter subscribers. Spoiler alert: cheaper clicks does NOT always translate to cheaper sign-ups.

  • A crash course on the eight data points that truly matter when reading your results.  (All of the other ones are designed to confuse you, in my opinion. Stick with me and you won't get caught up with vanity metrics.) 


LENGTH: An hour and 45 minutes divided into 8 bite-sized lessons. You'll have lifetime access.

WHERE: Inside our private membership area. You'll get access to all the lessons as soon as you enroll.

WHO IT'S FOR: Any business owner, freelancer, solopreneur, marketer or organization that wants to promote their products or services with a smart, money-saving strategy. This mini-course is for people who are mostly new to Facebook ads, and whose sites are built on Wordpress, Squarespace, Kajabi, Wix, or Leadpages.


Finding your way through the Facebook ad landmines can feel like a full-time job… but this mini-course will FINALLY shed light on the inner workings of this incredibly powerful marketing tool.

$397 USD

But you can get 49% off this in-depth mini-course for a limited time!

$197 USD

Most people waste 30 times more than that before they invest in some kind of professional ad training. Don't be that guy, OK? Your future self will thank you. 

"I've tried some FB ads courses in the past - what a waste of money...they were vague and I was SO FREAKIN' BORED!"

Claire's content is more in-depth, to the point, and practical. Yes! Finally - what I was looking for!

You can only YouTube a solution to your questions so many times. After a while, you just want a hand to guide you - and that's what Claire's course has done for me. If you're serious about this - skip googling the answers and make the investment into yourself.

- Gigi Rogers, The Ambassador of Buzz at Puck'n Khaos

Hey! I’m Claire Pelletreau, and I'll be your Facebook ad cruise director for the day. 

Anyone who's worked with me or taken my courses will tell you the same thing: I do NOT preach the B.S. that's out there about how easy Facebook and Instagram ads are. 

They're not easy, otherwise we'd all be millionaires out here. Navigating all the options inside Facebook's advertising interface is tricky business, plain and simple.

But I've made it my entire job to totally demystify the Ads Manager and help you leverage it as part of an effective and profitable marketing strategy.

In case you're wondering:

"What if I'm not an ads beginner? Or what if I want training that goes more in-depth?"

So glad you asked! 

Here's what this mini-course does NOT cover:

-- Troubleshooting your Ad Account

-- Using the Business Manager

-- Creating custom audiences or lookalike audiences

And here's the rest of the fine print, which I'm making quite large because I always want to be completely upfront with you: 

No refunds for this mini-course will be granted for any reason.

Also: an important element of Facebook & Instagram ads is setting up conversion tracking. I'll be teaching how to do that for the following platforms: Wordpress, Squarespace, Kajabi, Wix and Leadpages. If your site or landing pages are on a different platform, you will be responsible for finding instructions for placing the pixel.

If you're not really sure whether this mini-course is right for you, reach out to us at, and someone will get back to you ASAP!

“Clear, step-by-step… and totally doable”

“Facebook ads can be daunting and there is a lot of confusing information out there on what works and what doesn't.

Claire explains Facebook ads in a clear, step-by-step way that makes advertising on Facebook feel less overwhelming and totally doable."

 - Kathleen Shannon, Braid Creative

"Claire gives so generously on her Q&As. She does a deep dive when needed and gives a quick fix when possible.”

 - Sarah Michelle Brown, Founder of Videos That Shine

“In-depth and comprehensive, but quite easy-going”

I had done some Facebook ads before enrolling in Claire’s course, and I always felt that I was missing something. There just seemed to be so many options and I wasn’t sure what the right type of ad for my situation was.

Claire really cuts down what works and what doesn’t without overly simplifying things. It’s in-depth and comprehensive, but also quite easy-going.

It isn’t boring either, which it could have easily been. I went through the entire course materials once and then picked off it in small chunks as I was creating the ads.

 - Rob Young, Dominate Web Media

Make the next dollar you hand over to Zuckerberg and friends actually have a positive impact on your business. Get instant access to this mini-course for just:

$397 USD

$197 USD

Got questions? I've got answers: 

⁉️  But I’ve already tried Facebook ads and they were a flop!

This mini-course is your chance to understand exactly how Facebook and Instagram ads work - you'll probably discover exactly why your ads went sideways and how to right the ship for next time.

⁉️  Can you guarantee I’ll get good results from Facebook ads?

Nope, sorry! What I do promise, however, is that you walk away from this mini-course with a clear understanding of how objective, targeting and ad creative work together to get you good results (or not so great ones if you got those things wrong in the past). 

⁉️  What if I’m not happy with the mini-course? Can I get my money back?

Nope. No refunds will be granted for any reason. 

⁉️  What kind of business owner will benefit the most from the mini-course?

The materials I'll be teaching live are dead useful for lots of different types of business owners: service providers (like real estate owners, lawyers, copywriters, personal trainers, hair stylists, designers, virtual assistants, etc.), network marketers, life and business coaches, and anyone selling any kind of digital product or course

You should only sign up for the mini-course if your site is built on Wordpress, Squarespace, Kajabi, Wix or Leadpages, OR if you're not afraid to use Google to teach yourself simple instructions for placing the Facebook pixel.

The Right Campaign Can Change Everything . . .

Check out the results from two students of my signature ads course, Absolute FB Ads. Both of them use the list building ads taught in this mini-course to achieve such incredible return on their investment!

"My clients love learning from her. You will too.”

“Claire is a 1-2 punch of Facebook advertising expertise. She’s not just interested in the cool features and massively valuable tactics you can employ with your Facebook ads...

She’s also strategic, which means she helps you think about how your ads fit into the bigger picture and contribute to the overall success of your business. My clients love learning from her.  You will too.”

 - Tara McMullin, Founder of the What Works Network

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