How to Set Up Facebook Retargeting Ads (+ Save Money On List Building)

You want cheaper leads from your list building ads, am I right? I don’t blame you. In my last blog post, I showed you my own retargeting campaign designed to grow my list. You know, the one that makes me more money than I spend on it every week. And now I’m going to show you exactly how to set this up for yourself! Let’s start with the pieces you’re…

Conversion Tracking Pixels vs. Retargeting Pixels: Why Putting Them in the Wrong Place Will Make Your Head Explode

Conversion Tracking Pixels vs. Retargeting Pixels: Why Putting Them in the Wrong Place Will Make Your Head Explode

When I was about eight years-old, an important man came into my life. His name was Viktor, and he was the new ballet teacher at my neighborhood dance studio. Born and bred in the Ukraine, Viktor was a hard-ass. He worked my little ballerina-self to the bone. He whipped my dance skills into incredible shape, fixing my bad habits and helping me form new ones that strengthened me as a dancer. Viktor…

Trip Advisor Remarketing Ads

How to Target Facebook Ads: Gently Stalk People with Website Custom Audiences

Holler! This is the second in a series of posts that focus on advanced targeting tactics for your Facebook ads. Check out the first one on lookalike audiences here and the third on mixing them all together here. In this post you’ll learn: That the ads that seem to follow you around Facebook are made with Website Custom Audiences How to create them, and Some of my favorite strategies for making…