Facebook Ad Copy: 5 Steps to More Conversions

I love Facebook ads. (Surprise, surprise.) I love spending my days putting together campaigns in the Power Editor. I seriously geek out over targeting. I even enjoy a little Photoshop action while creating images. But I hate writing Facebook ad copy. It’s just . . . not my thing. Maybe it has to do with HOW FREAKIN’ HARD IT CAN BE. Sadly there are no Facebook ads without some text. This isn’t…

Jamie Jensen on Her $160K Copywriting Year and $80K Expenses (GPP 44)

Copywriting, in any sense of the word, is something that most business owners need to be good at. Whether you’re writing website copy, PR copy, or Facebook ad copy, copywriting is an integral part of every business. Our guest today is an award-winning writer who has massive experience and skills in writing copy for clients that add personality and flair while improving their conversion rate and driving sales. Jamie Jensen…

Jules Taggert CTA Buttons

You’ll Never Say “Sign Up” Again: Extreme Makeover, Call-to-Action Edition

Instead of another post with a long detailed how-to tutorial, today I’m giving you homework: Give the call-to-action on your landing page an extreme makeover. All you’re going to do is take the words or phrases you use to tell people to “sign up” and tweak them to make them a whole lot better. I don’t want to see these words on your page, at least not by themselves: sign up…

The 2 Little Words From Laura Roeder that Drastically Improved My Copywriting Skills

You and your opt-in landing page have come so far already! Amazingly helpful offering? Check. Beautifully optimized design? Check? Headline that stops people in their browsing tracks? Check. “Now what should the copy on my landing page actually say, Claire???” Take a breath and relax. It doesn’t have to be a 1000 word essay on why the visitor should hand over her email address. Chances are your headline has already…

8 Simple Dos and Don’ts for Writing Headlines that Don’t Bore My Face Off

After last week’s post, I hope you took a good hard look at the design of your landing page. Today you’re going to re-assess the most valuable real estate within that design: your page’s headline. Your headline is the very first thing I should see, the thing that catches my attention and keeps me from going to check Facebook again. It’s the thing that pulls me in and gets me to…