“Which Objective Should I Use for My Facebook Ads?” Cheatsheet Included.

“Which Objective Should I Use for My Facebook Ads?” Cheatsheet Included.

Yesterday in the Facebook group for Absolute FB Ads, Mary asked a great question: “How do the different objectives actually work? Is it a different algorithm that you’re triggering? Or do they get shown differently somehow?” Back when Facebook introduced objectives, suddenly something became very clear to me. “There’s a reason why boosting posts gets you lots of engagement but not very much traffic to your site!” It’s because when you…

The 2 Little Words From Laura Roeder that Drastically Improved My Copywriting Skills

You and your opt-in landing page have come so far already! Amazingly helpful offering? Check. Beautifully optimized design? Check? Headline that stops people in their browsing tracks? Check. “Now what should the copy on my landing page actually say, Claire???” Take a breath and relax. It doesn’t have to be a 1000 word essay on why the visitor should hand over her email address. Chances are your headline has already…

“Why Aren’t My Facebook Ads Working?” How to Fix a Failed Campaign

“Why Aren’t My Facebook Ads Working?” How to Fix a Failed Campaign

“Why aren’t my ads working???” “I’m not getting any clicks.” “I’m not getting any conversions.” “I’m not getting any impressions.” Sound familiar at all? This is basically what my inbox looks like. And who can blame you? You took a GINORMOUS leap and actually spent money trying to get your business in front of new people. Everyone around you (*cough* myself included) was all like “YES! Facebook ads are perfect…