How to Set Up Goals in Google Analytics

How to Set Up Goals in Google Analytics

Everybody knows somebody just like this. She’s glowing on the outside, all put together and eternally positive. Her business is KILLING IT. And not just because her blog looks so good and she’s obviously invested money in professional design and content. That too, but you’ve had an inside look. You know about her numbers. Seriously raking it in. And yet . . . something’s missing. You haven’t got a clue…

The Real Reason You Aren’t Spending Enough Time with Google Analytics

The Real Reason You Aren’t Spending Enough Time with Google Analytics

I remember vividly the night I hit “Publish” on my very first blog post about 3 years ago. I was so excited about the prospect of readers and visits and retweets that I couldn’t sleep, so in the middle of the night I opened up my computer again. There was nothing. Total silence on Twitter, maximum 1 visit recorded in Google Analytics. That visitor was almost definitely my boyfriend. Talk…