Video facebook ads

Cheap Views? I’m Not Impressed.
This Is the REAL Power of Facebook Video Ads.

Since you’re not a zombie but rather a living, breathing entrepreneur, then you’ve undoubtedly noticed that video is all the rage on Facebook right now. The more time people spend on the Facebook site and mobile app (instead of consuming video content on a site like YouTube), the more ads they can serve and money they can make. So not only is the Facebook algorithm featuring video posts prominently in everyone’s…

Lookalike Facebook ad audience

Facebook Ad Targeting Throwdown: Interests vs. Lookalike Audiences

Facebook ad targeting is hard. Sometimes it can feel like the one thing that’s keeping you from running campaigns that convert. (And you may very well be right about that.) The good news is that this post could actually simplify the entire target audience question so that you can get on with writing your ad copy and finding great images to use. The next time you run ads, I want you to try out…

Save Facebook Ad Audiences

How to Create and Save Facebook Ad Audiences (and Spare Yourself a Major Disaster)

Possibly the trickiest part of putting together a Facebook ad campaign is choosing the right audience. You have SO many options, and most people will tell you that the success of your ads depends squarely on who your ads get shown to. If you’re struggling to figure out who to target, check out the Audience section over on this Facebook ads resource page.  One of my favorite techniques is to actually…

How to Create Facebook Ad Images When You’re a Terrible Designer

If you asked me how to create Facebook ad images back in 2014, I would have said one thing without hesitation: Use a picture of yourself. Get someone to take a nice photo of you, add a circle or something that looks like a button, put some text in that circle, and you’re set. But I’m afraid the days of “any ol’ picture of you will do” are over, and…

How to Get 122 Shares on Your Next Facebook Ad

How to Get 122 Shares on Your Next Facebook Ad

There are certain ads that are hard to resist. You’ve seen them, I’m sure. They make you stop in your Facebook-scrolling tracks. It happened to me a couple months ago, and I’ve been thinking about this Facebook ad ever since. The ad in question promoted something called the Elegant Excellence Experience, a part of Hilary Rushford’s recent launch. Here’s a screenshot taken from my phone: What made me flip for…